In-depth knowledge, common sense and refreshing insights

Environs International is an international, independent network organisation that is geared to all types of market and opinion surveys, but specialises in food, beverages, agri- and horticulture.

At Environs we concentrate on a number of markets and areas that we really understand. People, target groups and markets are always paramount for us. Markets and target groups, each with a unique environment, with special features and backgrounds that you must be very familiar with in order to understand them completely. This is why we work exclusively with experienced researchers and consultants with specific market and/or professional knowledge.

Who you see is who you get

Environs guarantees its clients: "who you see is who you get" and that "who" is always an experienced researcher. Each project is controlled by the same person from the first contact, with the result being a high level of involvement, far-reaching insight, clear responsibilities, short lines and less noise.

Our network hubs
Jaap Voorsluijs
Jaap Voorsluijs

Jaap has been an agrimarketing research-specialist for many years and became partner in Environs International in 1999.

Eelco Hofma
Eelco Hofma

Eelco has been running his own agency for many years, one of the Dutch specialists in product-testing and retail, while supporting Environs with brains, field and tab services.


In addition, for the support services we make use of suppliers that are affiliated to the professional MOA and/or ESOMAR and/or NIMA and therefore subscribe to the quality requirements of these professional organisations. Environs is member of the leading Dutch professional associations and platforms: MOA and BkB. Eelco is member of ESOMAR as well.